Google ‘mobilegeddon’ is upon us

There have been a lot of talks and fears lately around the new Google algorithm change, or the so-called ‘mobilegeddon’. But why is it important and will it affect your website?

In short, Google will start demoting websites that aren’t mobile-friendly from its search results. Foreseen to have a bigger impact than the two most recent algorithm updates Panda and Penguin, the new mobile-focused change will apply to all languages worldwide, and will take several days to a week to come into effect.


Content still plays a major role for the search engine giant, but user experience is now just as important, as it should, considering that approximately 60% of online traffic comes from mobile. The update will ensure that people easily get relevant and high quality search results that are optimised for their devices.

In order to continue to have good rankings in SERPs, your website should be configured in such a way that it makes it functional on mobile, featuring elements such as:

  • Easy to use navigation
  • Adjusted columns
  • Flexible images and fonts
  • Clear calls to action

Have a look at the most recent responsive websites we’ve built for car care specialist Meguiar’s and Morgan Sindall Property Services, and get in touch today if you’re unsure about your own website’s mobile readiness.

LHM responsive websites