LHM Presents

Built for your brand

The Feedback Centre created by LHM is utilised nationally by the NHS, Health and Social care providers and local Healthwatch network to collect, respond and manage public feedback.

It supports everyone with digital transformation, to support resource, lower costs of engagement and offers an 'always on' solution to collect patient and consumer feedback for any service, provider or category. In 2016, the Feedback Centre processed over 60,000 experiences and is now a leading choice for its ease of use, accessibility and LHM's intelligence software 'Informatics'.


Big data, better insight

Our Informatics system, offers the intelligence to suit your operational requirements. From Friends and Family Test metrics, though to analysing your qualitative data utilising sentiment analysis.

The system enables you to share data securely with stakeholders, in addition to having a clear way of triangulating feedback from multiple sources and interfacing with other systems such as a CRM.



An engaged public, contributing independent data to local Healthwatch has improved resources; provided cost savings and improved response to safeguarding issues locally.



Our Widget Generator enables your business to create external widgets which are placed on external health and social care website to encourage reviews from the public. The widget is then embedded in a local site, feeding data constantly from user reviews.



Our dedicated Facebook application enables the user to leave a review without visiting your website.

Users can add feedback and share experiences directly to the Healthwatch database directly through Facebook. The app can also be shared with friends, promoting the organisation at the same time.

View the app



The Feedback Centre’s Informatics dashboard supports your organisation and partners to understand patterns, complaints and feedback, in addition to benchmarking data from multiple providers. The Informatics tool can also be used to provide health and care providers secure access to their own data of which has been widely adopted.




Items of sentiment data per month regarding local health and social care services accessible online through a visual dashboard.


Invested by LHM in the past 12 months to enhance functionality, reporting and moderation.


Patient reviews received nationally in 2016 through the Feedback Centre.